What solutions and care products are there to eliminate calluses on your feet?

If calluses have invaded your feet, it’s time to put a plan of attack in place to get rid of them! It is possible to easily remove calluses from your feet, at home, by adopting natural treatments and adopting new beauty habits. Today, this article will tell you how to eliminate calluses on your feet. Read on!

For this, choose a gentle method. The idea is to gently remove dead cells to restore the skin’s finesse and suppleness. Certain actions should be absolutely avoided, such as cutting the callus or rubbing it excessively with a nail drill machine or pumice stone. In this case, you risk damaging the skin and creating painful wounds, with an increased risk of infection.

To soften the skin and work it more easily, you can opt for a foot bath. Immerse your feet in a basin of warm water for about fifteen minutes. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil (such as olive oil) or essential oils (lavender, chamomile, etc.) to soften the feet.

To remove calluses, you can use a foot scrub, or pedicure sets, such as a file or pumice stone. All while rubbing gently. It is better to do this over several days than all at once, so as not to weaken the skin. You can also opt for a natural treatment, which gently removes calluses.

If the horn tends to come back despite your vigilance and the use of suitable care, consider consulting a podiatrist. The latter will be able to check whether the formation of corns and calluses is not due to a malformation of your feet, and offer you suitable solutions if necessary.

What are you waiting for? Discover our range of foot products without delay and say goodbye to corns, calluses and calluses!

Read also: How to choose the right nail equipment supplier?

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