Lasting for weeks, practical, resistant to everyday shocks… Are you a fan of semi-permanent varnish? Attention, you certainly make a very important error before the application of this one! We tell you everything.
Semi-permanent varnish: always apply sunscreen before application
You certainly know that before any exposure to the sun, it is extremely important to protect your skin from UV rays by applying a good dose of sun care with an SPF of 30 or 50, even in winter. But have you noticed that when applying semi-permanent varnish, you pass your nails and hands several times through a mini UV cabin so that the layers of varnish “cook” and dry permanently on the nails? Just like in a full-size cabin, the strong UVA rays will heat and burn your skin, even the one under your fingernails.
Dermatologists therefore strongly recommend applying a good dose of SPF 50 sunscreen to your hands and nails before any semi-permanent nail polish session, to protect yourself from skin cancer, of course. , but also the appearance of premature spots and wrinkles on your hands.
In addition to enhance your manicure experience, you also need to use professional manicure set to care for your nails regularly. If you don’t have any manicure supplies, check out our Maryton website, where there are all kinds of nail beauty products.
Read also: Semi-permanent varnish for the holidays, a good idea?
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